Tag: mask

Say Goodbye to Painting Masks By Hand
by Kristina Sherk

“Work smarter, not harder.” Anyone who has watched my KelbyOne courses knows this is my mantra, and I honestly live by these words. It’s important to not only keep up with the latest gear but it’s also just as important to spend time growing your knowledge of the software that you already subscribe to and use on a daily basis. The better you know the software (or hardware) you already own, the easier you’ll work, and the more proficient you’ll become. You can have all of the newest gear in the world, but if you don’t know how to use it, you won’t be a good photographer. (Sorry to all those gear heads out there whose bubble I just busted.)

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Polishing The Rivets, Bringing Glory To The Light!
By Moose Peterson

It was a typical day in England, light wise that is. We’d spent the whole day on the historic Duxford Field with the Historic Aircraft Collection’s spectacular Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb and Hawker Hurricane Mk XIIa. We’d had those stereotypical English gray skies most of the day. The field, aircraft, even the weather is exactly what the men and women of the British Royal Air Force saw during WWII as they launched these very aircraft to defend their nation. That’s a lot of history to shove in your viewfinder, even more when you share that final photograph! Then, when the sun worked its magic as only it can at sunset, the photographic challenge exploded with the romance that it now brought to the field.

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Down & Dirty Tricks: Five-Up Photo Layout
by Scott Kelby

In this “Down & Dirty” we’re creating a multi-photo layout that you could use for anything from the front of a business card to a website slash page to the opening for a slide show or presentation. Setting it up the first time is easy—it just takes a couple of minutes, but the nice thing is that once you’ve created it, you can save it as a template. (If you’re comfortable with using smart objects, you could import each image as a smart object, rather than just opening them normally, which will make switching out the images in the future even easier.)

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