Category: Tutorials

Attract Attention by Manipulating the Light 
by Dave Williams

Composition is a huge consideration when we shoot, and once we get an image out of the camera and into our digital darkroom, we’re often limited in what we can do to edit its composition and control the path our viewer’s eye takes across the photograph. There are other things, however, that we can do in post to grab the attention of the viewer but with a bit more control and flexibility. One such thing that takes an equally high standing to composition is light. 

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How To Create A Fake Window Reflection
by Lesa Snider

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to combine two photos to create a fake window reflection. It’s a great way to add a moody vibe, as well as increased depth and interest to your image. All you need is a portrait that looks like it was taken indoors and a street scene that was taken in a similar lighting condition. Let’s get started! 

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Designing with Styles and Stripes in Photoshop
by Corey Barker

What if I told you that you could create an amazing design effect using just one photo, one layer style, and one text layer? This is one of those effects I stumbled upon while experimenting with other effects. It’s incredibly versatile and simple to set up and, once you have the effect built, you’ll want to try it on everything. It even has some uses you might not have thought of. Join me as we dive in and design with styles and stripes.

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Making Doodles on your Photos in Photoshop
by Lesa Snider

Doodling on a photo is a great way to add whimsy and visual interest, and you don’t have to be an artist to give it a whirl. Today you’ll learn how to outline your subject’s clothes, how to isolate your subject so you can put doodles behind her, as well as how to doodle using Photoshop’s Custom Shape tool. Read on!

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