Our members inspire and wow us with their work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. It’s really a two-way street. We offer the best in online photography, Lightroom and Photoshop classes, and our members run with it to create draw-dropping images.
Seriously, just check out these photos!
Here are some of our favorite member created photos and the KelbyOne courses that helped bring them to life!
1. Travis Patenaude
This photo is striking, but the we’re so proud of the story behind it as well! Travis Patenaude celebrates his passion for photography and dogs with his work. He even started an adoption group to help even more animals, which is incredible!
His favorite instructors to watch on KelbyOne? Joe McNally and Chris Knight.
‘Joe is such a master of lighting and how he uses lights to add to the story and lead the viewer through the image. Chris is not only a great photographer but he is an amazing teacher. Chris has a way of explaining how to create shadows and control them which adds to the drama of the image.’
Let’s give it up for Travis!
2. Macarena Janninck
When Macarena Janninck submitted this image to one of our member challenge, we were blown away. The soft glow of the shoreline makes this one a keeper!
As for her influences, she has quite a few favorite mentors in the KelbyOne family.
‘I have learned a ton with Erik Kuna’s Milky Way series. I love Dave Black’s humor. And, the foundational basis, all the practical stuff about photography, I have learned from Scott Kelby.‘
Give Macarena a hello in the community the next time you see her!
3. Janina Cleven
Janina Cleven usually photographs sweeping grand landscapes, but this photo took our breath away with its tack-sharp focus on the details!
As far as a favorite class on KelbyOne, Janina can’t pick just one. She enjoys landscape classes, night photography, light painting, travel and flower, and macro photography classes. So basically a bit of everything!
Major props to Janina for growing her skills over the years!
4. Ryan Nelson-Paryag
There’s something about this photo by KelbyOne member Ryan Nelson-Paryag that makes us smile every time. Are these creatures were friends or foes? He skillfully captured this scene perfectly!
As for his favorite class, Ryan has the following to say.
‘It is hard to choose a favorite, but any class with Joe McNally or Scott Kelby.’
Keep it up, Ryan—your work is awesome!
5. Jeff Shelton
This next one is a bit of a head turner… Photographer Jeff Shelton carefully crafted a unique composition to this abstract design. We love it!
Jeff enjoys watching Erik Kuna’s courses on photographing the Milky Way. He enjoys Erik’s teaching style and the way he explains his processes.
Stay golden, Jeff!
6. Elane Zelcer
What do you think these birds are talking about? Elane Zelcer got a front row seat to the action of 3 talkative Puffin birds. These “sea parrots” and ”clowns of the ocean” sure live up to their name!
And of course she honed her skills on KelbyOne! These are some of her favorite classes!
‘Without a doubt, the Lightroom hints in video classes and in the magazine are fantastic. The wildlife courses are excellent – it’s time to go back to Rick Sammon’s and Moose Peterson’s safari-related & bird classes, ahead of a trip to Africa mid-year. I’ll also do the “Travel Photography: Making Portraits of Locals” – Scott Kelby & Rick Sammon, to help me re-orient towards taking photos of people while there.‘
Check out the full story behind this shot with Elane!
7. Nancy Arehart
Take a look at this incredible shot by KelbyOne member Nancy Arehart of two iguanas snuggled up together, so cute!
As for her favorite course, Nancy raves about this one in particular!
‘Believe it or not, I loved watching Scott’s “A Photographer’s Guide to Venice”. It was very timely and I was fascinated with his long exposure approach to photographing the square. 😉.’
Photographer Nancy Arehart is on the rise in the KO community!
8. Carmen Boergmann
Ice, Ice, baby! Carmen Boergmann took this photo that gives us major travel-envy. We can just imagine standing in this cave, in awe of our surroundings.
Along with some hard work, she also picked up some tricks from KelbyOne!
‘I really liked Erik Kuna’s latest Milky Way and Photopills classes as it was easy to understand and follow and made me excited to go out and try myself.’
How epic is Carmen’s work!?
Thank you to each and every KelbyOne member, on this list and beyond. It makes us so happy to see you grow with every course, challenge, and project!
Like this? Join our KelbyOne community where you can find more awesome images! We love to share advice, and meet fellow creatives, photographers, and Lightroom/Photoshop users. We hope to see you there!