Member Monday Featuring Macarena Janninck
If you’ve been in our community for a while, you know the incredible Macarena Janninck! We were stunned by this photo that she submitted to the last member challenge, and we just had to get some more information on how it came to be.
What was the inspiration behind this shot? Keep reading to find out!
We’re handing it over to Macarena now to express her take on this moment caught in time.
About the Photographer
- Hometown: Northern Virginia
- Years in Photography: I have ALWAYS loved photography, but I got really serious about it about 7-years ago
- Years as a KO Member: Four amazing years!
About the Photo:

- Title: Late Sunrize on the Beach
- Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
- Any additional description of the photograph: It was a day that I thought was going to be a total washout. It was raining and forecasted to rain the whole day. I figured I would try to do a black and white anyway given that the colors were blah. The rain stopped and clouds broke for about 15 to 20 minutes, and the sun just made everything look gorgeous, the colors became spectacular with the sun shining through the clouds.
- Gear/Software Used: Canon EOS R, Haida ND Filter, edited in LR, PS and Luminar 4

Describe your creative style in 3 words
VIvid, Personal, Intimate
Tell us about a time you struggled or failed with your photography, and how you overcame it?
I am ALWAYS struggling. I am not someone to whom photography comes easily. Some do it naturally, I have to work my little bum off trying to make something beautiful. I am dabbling in Milky Way photography. More than once I have gone home with NOTHING to show for, after planning for a month, traveling hours away from home, and paying for hotel stays. More than once I have considered completely giving it up. But, there is something that always brings me back to keep trying. It also helps to have an amazing support group in the KelbyOne Community. They are always there to answer any questions I might have. They are a shoulder to lean on when I experience a setback. And, more importantly, they are there to help me celebrate when I get a good shot. I would not find a more supportive group of friends anywhere else.

What sparked your love of photography?
My children! When they were born I wanted to capture and savor every single moment of their babyhood and childhood. And, I could not find anyone that would show them as the unique individuals that they are. I told my husband, for the price of one photoshoot, I would buy the gear to get great images of them. They might not be perfect, but I know I can capture the essence of who they are.

What’s your favorite class on KelbyOne and why?
I LOVE them All! I have grown so much with each class. I have learned a ton with Erik Kuna’s Milky Way series. I love Dave Black’s humor. And, the foundational basis, all the practical stuff about photography, I have learned from Scott Kelby.
Connect with Macarena
More of Macarena’s work can be found on her Instagram and Facebook pages. Connect with her there!
Thanks to Macarena for shedding some light on her incredible work. We love seeing her grow and can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!
Thank you for joining us for another Member Monday! If you haven’t yet, be sure to submit your photos for a chance to receive a Member Monday feature of your own.