Tag: layers

Using “Helper Layers” When Retouching Your Photos
By Scott Valentine

Retouching often requires you to go between extreme detail and looking at the overall image. It can be a real challenge to keep track of everything that needs to be done, especially after a significant amount of time staring at the same image. Even worse, sometimes corrections we make with cloning and healing may leave artifacts behind that aren’t easy to spot. This issue, I’ll show you how to use some “helper layers” that will make it easier both to find areas that need correction and to keep fatigue at bay.

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Painting Your House with Photoshop
By Scott Onstott

Ever wonder what your house might look like if you painted it or otherwise changed its color? Photoshop is great for performing what-if scenarios to simulate how objects in the real world might look if they were colored or textured differently. We’ll paint my house virtually in this tutorial.

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