The Remove tool is great, but some people can’t seem to find it. It’s nested under the Spot Healing Brush tool (J). Still not there? This gives me déjà vu, as this happened before with the Object Selection tool, and the solution is the same. If you created a workspace before a certain tool existed, and you opted to save the Toolbar configuration with that workspace, the Remove tool won’t appear in your Toolbar if you use that workspace. It’s an easy fix. Right-click on the three dots at the bottom of the Toolbar and choose Edit Toolbar. A dialog will open with any “missing” tools in the right column under Extra Tools. You can choose Restore Default to load all the tools back into the Toolbar. When you click Done, the Remove tool will now appear. Don’t forget to resave your workspace (Window>Workspace>New Workspace) with the Toolbar option selected in the New Workspace dialog or the Remove tool will be missing again the next time you load the workspace. 

This tip originally published in Colin Smith’s “Photoshop Tips” column in the July, 2023 issue of Photoshop User magazine.