If you’re using a tool (it can be any tool from the Tool­bar) and you want to temporarily switch to another tool and then automatically return to the original tool, use spring-loaded keys. Say, for example, you’re painting with the Brush tool, but you want to quickly make a selection and then return to painting. Normally with the Brush tool active, you’d press the M key to switch to the Rectangular Marquee tool, make your selection, and then press the B key to return to the Brush tool so you can paint within that selection. With spring-loaded keys, there’s less pressing. With the Brush tool active, hold down the M key to temporarily switch to the Rectangular Marquee tool. After you’ve made your selection, be sure to release the mouse button first and then release the M key. Photoshop will spring you back to the Brush tool. Once you get in the habit of using spring-loaded keys, it can cut down on repetition and save you a lot of time. 

This tip originally published in Colin Smith’s “Photoshop Tips” column in the May, 2023 issue oPhotoshop User magazine.