The color wheel is a nice way to look at colors, because it makes it easy to see the hue and saturation values, as well as how the colors are associated with other colors. When you look at the Color panel (Window>Color) in Photoshop, you see the Hue Cube by default. This rectangle is useful for people who are very familiar with Photoshop’s Color Picker where the hue can be selected in the strip on the right, and the saturation can be selected in the large rectangular area on the left. The color wheel is more familiar for artists, though. Here’s how to toggle the Color panel between the Hue Cube and the Color Wheel: click on the top right of the Color panel and choose Color Wheel. You’ll notice a bunch of other choices in there, as well, if you’d like to explore.
This tip originally published in Colin Smith’s Photoshop Tips column, in the June, 2022 issue of Photoshop User magazine.
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Photoshop User magazine comes out digitally 12 times a year and is part of KelbyOne, the leading educational resource for Photoshop, Lightroom, and photography. Pro members have access to more than 900 video courses and 100 back issues of Photoshop User. To learn more about KelbyOne, click here.