If you go to Window>Patterns, you’ll see lots of patterns that come with Photoshop. On the street, we usually call these patterns “textures,” so I’ll use these terms interchangeably. There are so many uses for textures, from backgrounds and overlays to even using them in type. Did you know that you can easily scale (and rotate) these tiled textures (patterns)? 

To add a pattern to a document, drag it from the Patterns panel into your document, and a pattern layer will be created. To change the size (scale) of the pattern, double-click the pattern layer’s thumbnail in the Layers panel to open the Pattern Fill dialog. Here you can change the Scale and Angle, as well as swap out the pattern for a different one if you want. 

This tip previously published in Colin Smith’s Photoshop Tips column, in the May, 2020 issue of Photoshop User magazine.