Whenever you apply adjustments from the Image menu (e.g., Curves or Levels), you can make the settings “sticky,” as in the settings are the same the next time you open that adjustment dialog. “Hang on,” I hear you say, “I know the filter settings are sticky, but you’re wrong about adjustments. They aren’t sticky.” Oh yes they are! You just need to know how to recall them, so let’s go. Choose Image>Adjustments; select, say, Curves; make your changes; and click OK to apply the adjustment to the image. If you go to apply that same adjustment again, the dialog is reset to its default settings, but here’s the trick: Hold down the Option (PC: Alt) key as you choose the adjustment, and the dialog will open with the previous settings all dialed in for you.
This tip originally published in Colin Smith’s Photoshop Tips column in the January, 2018 issue of Photoshop User magazine.