Larry Becker reveals everything you need to know about the Nikon Z7 camera in order to get great shots in this new class. Not only will Larry help you get oriented with the buttons, menus, focusing options, and customizations, but he’ll also teach you all the hidden features and pro tips that set this camera apart from its competitors. Watch and learn as Larry interviews pro photographers Stacy Pearsall, Cliff Mautner, Dixie Dixon, and Joe McNally about the Nikon Z7.
Here’s a brief overview of the class:
1. Intro & Quick Tips
2. Getting Oriented with Buttons
3. Metering and White Balancing
4. Interview with Stacy Pearsall
5. Focusing
6. Quick Access
7. Interview with Cliff Mautner
8. Playback Options
9. Menu Options
10. Interview with Dixie Dixon
11. Custom Settings and Setup
12. Interview with Joe McNally
13. Best Practices
Start watching and let Larry Becker guide you through the camera settings of the Nikon Z7.
Larry Becker
For more than 25 years, Larry has been simplifying technology and helping people understand it through books, magazine articles, DVDs, online videos, and live training. Larry has been seen by millions of viewers worldwide on web TV shows like DTownTV and Photoshop User TV, but he’s most widely known for his work as a trainer and gear reviewer for B&H Photo.