Member Monday Featuring Sarah Samaan
This week’s featured photographer Sarah Samaan is a classic example of finding creativity in the mundane—even in your own kitchen!
So the next time you find yourself staring at your plain old cutlery, try and view it a different way!
About the Photographer
- Hometown: I live in Frisco, Texas.
- Years in Photography: I have been an aspiring photographer for many years, but didn’t actually commit to learning, understanding, and practicing the art and science of photography until about 3 years ago.
- Years as a KO Member: I have been a KelbyOne member for over 5 years. It was one of the first concrete steps I took in my quest to become a photographer.
About the Photo:

- Title: I haven’t thought to give it a name, but “Connection” comes to mind.
- Any additional description of the photograph: I had committed to a photo challenge with the theme of symmetry, and was having a hard time finding anything suitable to photograph. In desperation, I pulled 2 forks out of the cutlery drawer and created this composition on my kitchen countertop.
- Gear/Software Used: I used my Nikon D810 with a 105 mm macro lens. The ISO is ridiculously high at 6400, but I was only using ambient light. I was really surprised at how well the camera handled the image. I processed it in Lightroom.

What is one thing you wish you would have known before starting photography?
I wish I hadn’t been intimidated by the ideas of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, the exposure triangle. Exposure is not nearly as complicated as I thought, and understanding these concepts has allowed me to become far more creative and intentional in my photography. I also wish that I had started shooting in raw many years ago. I have so many older photographs that I would love to go back and re-process, but since they are JPEGs, I don’t have as much to work with.
Who are some of your role models/mentors?
There are so many amazing photographers who are willing to share their craft with the public, including Joel Sartore and Ami Vitale, who use their photography to help preserve endangered species and habitats. Scott Kelby has done a tremendous job of making Lightroom and Photoshop accessible and fun.

What is your most treasured piece of photography equipment?
I have a full-frame Nikon D810, but I adore my Olympus OMD EM1 M3. It’s lightweight, weatherproof, and takes beautiful photographs. I can pop on the 12-100 M. Zuiko lens and be ready for almost anything while hiking and traveling.

What’s your favorite class on KelbyOne and why?
There are so many fantastic courses, it’s hard to pick one. Virtually anything I need to know is available on KelbyOne. I really like Karen Hutton’s course, “How to Infuse YOU into Your Photography.” It’s great to have her perspective along with all the wonderful courses on technique and processing skills.
Connect with Sarah
You can find more of Sarah’s work on Instagram @redhorse321.
Thank you for joining us for another Member Monday! If you haven’t yet, be sure to submit your photos for a chance to receive a Member Monday feature of your own.