Tag: Tutorial

From Portrait to Pencil Sketch
By Lesa Snider

Using the power of layer blend modes, you can quickly turn a portrait into a colored pencil sketch. By shooting your subject on a white or other light-colored background, the technique takes minutes and gives you yet another product you can offer in your photography business. Read on!

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New In Town Composite
By Scott Valentine

How do you write a big story? By writing it in small parts and putting it all together! In Scott Valentine’s regular “Photoshop Proving Ground” column for Photoshop User magazine, he spends a lot of time getting you familiar with Photoshop’s tools so you can use them to build big things from small. In this tutorial, he’ll show how to combine a few tools he’s written about in the past to take on bigger challenges by tackling the smaller ones first. In this way, you get to tell bigger and bigger stories.

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