Advanced Photoshop: Pro Curves Techniques

Join Bret Malley and learn how to unlock the power of curves in Photoshop! In this class you’ll gain a better understanding of the curves adjustment, how read a histogram, explore different ways curves can be used, learn different techniques for manipulating curves, and explore some of the most common use case scenarios. From global edits to localized tweaks, curves can be a powerful ally in your post production work.

See what’s covered in the class:
1. Understanding the Histogram
2. Different Ways You Can Use Curves
3. How You Can Manipulate Curves
4. How To Control Color with Curves
5. Common Uses for Curves
6. Final Uses for Curves

Start watching Advanced Photoshop: Pro Curves Techniques now!


Bret Malley

Bret is an educator and professional photographer specializing in imaginative, surreal, and often magic-enhanced creations. He is the author of Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Adobe Photoshop CC and his work has been featured in publications such as Advanced Photoshop, Photoshop Creative, and Photography is Art magazines. He is a full-time college professor teaching classes on photography, design, motion graphics, and Adobe Photoshop.