It’s a Winter Wonderland in this photo captured by New York based photographer, Peter Lawton. Keep reading to find out where he took the photo and how he created it.
1.) Can you tell us a little bit about your photo?
This was taken at Manning Park located in British Columbia. It was a beautiful day spent with friends at their local mountain while on holiday. I’m not sure if this was before or after my friend did a complete yard sale after hitting a small jump. Good thing it was a powder day because his stuff went everywhere! ha!
2.) What gear/software did you use to create this image?
Canon 5D with a 24-105 f/4 L @24mm iso 100 f/11 @ 1/125 and I used Lightroom to process.
3.) What do you like to photograph?
I really love travel, photographing landscapes and visual scenes from nature.
4.) Were you inspired by a KelbyOne class or instructor to create this image? If so, which class or instructor inspired you?
Not inspired by any particular person, just was in love with the scene and the color contrast.
5.) What’s your favorite class on KelbyOne and why?
I would have to say my favorite instructors thus far has been… Glyn Dewis and Tim Wallace. I think there are many courses that are great so it’s tough to nail down a specific one.
Check out more of Peter Lawton’s work on his website and 500px. Also, don’t forget to follow him on Instagram and Facebook.