Member Monday Featuring Larry Grace
Today we’re introducing you to KelbyOne Member Larry Grace. He enjoys taking photos of high in the sky subjects—and he’s got some pretty awesome shots to share!
Read on to hear the story about how this photo came to be!
About the Photo
The first nighttime engine run-up for photography with the B-29 Superfortress “Doc”. This was an opportunity that has not been done with either of the last flying B29 in the world.
Last year during the International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) convention in Las Vegas I began a discussion with a staff member with Doc’s Friends about the opportunity to do a night shoot with “Doc” with engines running. From that discussion lead to trip out to Wichita KS where “Doc” is based at the museum that was built for it.
A photography workshop with the International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP) was put together for its members. Plans were to allow 25 ISAP photographers and we opened it to other photographers to join us in this first time photo op. Photographers were eager to take part but due to the date that was selected only 10 were able to take part.
ISAP photographers came together for this workshop and each had the chance to spend time inside “Doc” and up close for detail images. Before sunset, we set up lights and each photographer discussed where they wanted to set up and their camera settings for the session. As the light levels got lower we stood ready to capture images.
The first engine came to life then one by one the other engines roar to life and before you knew it all four engines were running and you could hear the photographers clicking away!.
We had planned for a 10-15 minute window for the engines to run. Unknown to the photographers the flight crew wanted to do some additional checks this allowed the photographers to move from their setups and move around the aircraft to capture other images. At the 30 minute mark, we all got the word and the engines shut down.
As quickly as it started it was over and left all of us excited and talking about what we saw and capture through our lenses.

Gear and Software
The image display here with a Milky Way background along with lighting correction done was done in Photoshop CC2019. This image is from a second camera setup I had for the session. The camera was a Nikon D850, the lens was a Nikon 24-120 f4, with a Platypod ball head for support. Taken at ISO 100 using the RAW format at f11 around 4 seconds.
I did bracket between 4-6 seconds during the shoot. Worked on the image first in Camera Raw, then in photoshop for sharpening and to add the milky way background.
Photography Preferences
These days I’m known more for my aviation photography work. But I enjoyed all types of photography from travel, landscape, food, sports and so on. You can see the types of photography I enjoy on my website site and Instagram pages.
When I started photography I learned that if you understand the light and can see an image you can make an image no matter what the subject is.
Photography Inspiration
After I took this image I sent a version to Scott Kelby for his input. He made some correction suggestions and the idea of adding the milky way background.
Favorite KelbyOne Class
Overall, I enjoy all the classes on KelbyOne as I stated above. Photography is the same when it comes to learning how to be a better photographer and with the classes and subject matter, I can learn and grow from the site.
Connect with Larry
You can find more of Larry’s work on his website, Facebook, Aviation Instagram, or Commercial, Editorial, and Travel account. If you like to learn more about aviation photography, take a look at
Thanks to Larry for sharing his story and thank YOU for joining us on another Member Monday feature!
By the way—have you thought about submitting your photos for a chance to receive a featured Member Monday post of your own? Go for it!