The June issue of Photoshop User is now available. This issue’s amazing cover is by Markus Gollner, who we also interviewed in the “Who’s Who” Section of the “KelbyOne Community.” If you haven’t noticed by now, every issue we feature the artwork of KelbyOne members on the cover of Photoshop User. If you’d like to have your work considered for the cover, or just to be featured in the “KelbyOne Community,” visit the online submission form. And don’t forget that you can now read both Photoshop User and Lightroom Magazine in the new KelbyOne Mags app for both iOS and Android.
In this issue we have a lot of great tutorials on creating special effects in your images. The cover story is by Corey Barker, who shows us how he creates his go-to finishing effects that he uses for his Photoshop composites.
And then, of course, we have our popular “Down & Dirty Tricks” tutorials by Corey Barker and Kirk Nelson.
In the “Dynamic Range,” David Williams brings a smartphone screen to life.
And in “Photoshop Proving Gound,” Scott Valentine uses the Displacement Map to create dispersion effects, and in “Retouching Magic,” Kristina Sherk explores blend modes for creating color effects in portraits.
Plus, so much more! So start reading today. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for this issue, visit the KelbyOne Community.