Hi gang. Right after my “Designing with Type” class at Photoshop World last week, a typography teacher came up to the stage and told me about an awesome font that you used to have to pay for, but now it’s available for FREE! Of course, I went and downloaded it immediately because I’m a bit of a type freak, and I love it, and wanted to share it with the KelbyOne Community.

The font is called “Scriptina Pro” and you can see an example of it above.

Here’s a link to download it from MyFonts.com (I buy a lot of fonts there, and now I just got a really awesome free one there, too!). Note: This font also looks great in all lowercase (which is why I gave the second example above — so you could see it in all lowercase). 

Shout out of thanks to the teacher who shared with me at the Conference (I wish I knew her name to give her proper credit).

Hope you find that helpful. 🙂
