Have you ever created a document that you wanted to reuse? Say, for example you’re updating some imagery on a webpage, or an ad, chart, infographic, newsletter, etc. If not, you may want to consider it. A reusable document is called a template. One of the things you really want to avoid is overwriting your master document, or base template; usually, you’ll save copies with unique names. 

Here’s the tip: When you save a document that you want to reuse, save it as a PSD and add a “t” to the end of the name. For example, instead of myDocument.psd use myDocument.psdt. Adding the “t” makes it a template. When you open a template in Photoshop it will open a copy of the template rather than the original document. This makes it easy to save a copy without accidentally overwriting your master template. 

This tip originally published in Colin Smith’s “Photoshop Tips” column in the April, 2023 issue oPhotoshop User magazine.