In Adobe Camera Raw and Filter>Camera Raw Filter, there’s a new Color Grading panel. This replaces the old Split Toning panel. It provides more flexibility because you can now adjust the lightness in addition to the hue and the saturation. You also now have the ability to color tone the shadows, midtones, and highlights separately. Here’s the tip: After you’ve selected a hue in one of the color wheels, hold down Shift to constrain to only adjust the Saturation, or hold down Command (PC: Ctrl) to only adjust the Hue. [To learn more, go to “Introducing Color Grading” by Rob Sylvan on p. 34 of the November, 2020 issue of Photoshop User.—Ed.]
This tip originally published in Colin Smith’s “Photoshop Tips” column in the November, 2020 issue of Photoshop User magazine.