It’s that time of year! That time when wedding photographers gear up for warm weather, beautiful brides, gracious grooms, and everything else that makes up the wedding season. With that in mind, we couldn’t help but choose this soft, sweet photo Judith Soule of Fresh Look Photography captured for one of her clients.
1.) Can you tell us a little bit about the image (full image below)?
This image was taken in Costa Rica and I was trying to push myself creatively to do a different sort of ring shot. My brother jokes with me because I am famous for putting rings in all sorts of interesting places. But showcasing the ring while it was being worn, that was another challenge altogether!
I’m a huge fan of bright, beautiful colors, and this photo perfectly sums up my love of all things pink!
2.) What gear/software did you use to create this image?
Gear – Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 50mm 1.2, Canon 600 EX-RT II
Settings – ISO – 250 Shutter Speed – 1/125 F-Stop – 2.0
Software – Lightroom Classic CC
3.) What do you like to photograph?
I specialize in photographing people who don’t like having their picture taken. I especially love capturing weddings and portraits that are infused with JOY!
4.) How long have you been a KelbyOne member and what made you decide to become a member?
I’ve been a KelbyOne member for a few months, and I became a member because I teach photography classes and love all the resources and continuing education I can receive from this subscription!
Get to know Judith better and see more of her work—she’s got a website and is on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
Follow me on Instagram too!