Happy Monday! It’s time for you to take a look at more work from another one of our KelbyOne members. The image seen above was created by Carol Davis.
1.) Can you tell us a little bit about your photo, Springtime Blossoms?
I was strolling through the Nature Trail at Haverford College w/ my sister – spring was in the air with a delightful breeze and just enough sunshine to warm the body & heart. The blossoms were swaying in the breeze and the leaves falling like snow. I wanted to capture the freshness of spring.
2.) What gear/software did you use to create this image?
Nikon D750 & Tamron90mm.
3.) What do you like to photograph?
I love macro photography—it’s therapeutic for me. For work—I love, love, love photographing preschoolers! That’s why I need the macro photography, lol!
4.) How long have you been a KelbyOne member and what made you decide to become a member?
I just recently joined KelbyOne after being a stalker for a few years. When I’m searching through tutorials on YouTube, I always end up watching Scott Kelby so thought I might as well just join and have all I need to learn in one area! His Digital Photography Series was (and is) a fabulous resource in my library. A few years ago, on The Grid, he reviewed my very basic, beginner site, and was very kind.
Carol has more beautiful work just like this, you should check out her website and follow Carol on Facebook and Instagram.