Member Monday Featuring Arnold Certa
This next member Arnold Certa discovered a new passion by watching a class right here on KelbyOne!
Since Arnold is a huge Melanie Kern-Favilla fan, we thought we would share some of our favorite content featuring her and her work.
- The Gallery with Melanie Kern-Favilla
- Creating Breathtaking Floral Images
- The Personal Side of Melanie Kern-Favilla
Now let’s see the work that came from this inspiration, and photographer Arnold Certa!
About the Photographer
- Hometown: Polaniec Poland (Manchester, UK now)
- Years in Photography: on and off for 14 years
- Years as a KO Member: 9 months
About the Photo:

- Title: TuLipstick
- Location: home studio
- Any additional description of the photograph: Used black box after watching course in KO
- Gear/Software Used: Sony a7 90mm macro Lightroom

What is one thing you wish you would have known before starting photography?
Only if I found KelbyOne sooner it’s saved me a lot of years of trial and error.
Who are some of your role models/mentors?
David Ward, Don Mccullin, Melanie Kern-Favilla.

What is your most treasured piece of photography equipment?
I love my Sony A7.

What’s your favorite class on KelbyOne and why?
Melanie Kern-Favilla inspired a whole new way of looking at photography for me; macro in particular so I must say that class.
Connect with Arnold
Take a look at all of the flowers that Arnold displayed in his collection on Instagram. It’s wonderful! Give him a follow here: @ArnoldCerta.
Thank you for joining us for another Member Monday! If you haven’t yet, be sure to submit your photos for a chance to receive a Member Monday feature of your own.