You guys blew us away with your travel photos for this member challenge! We are so envious of the amazing trips and took every opportunity to live vicariously through your submitted photos. Also, a big thank you for including your travel destinations…we loved knowing where we should add to our bucket lists 😉
First place went to Jorge Campa (full image above). As the song goes, “Paris holds the key to your heart.” We loved the contrast of the black and white, the underneath angle, and all the tiny, little structure details. Truly a work of art. Congratulations!
Second place went to Teresa Letkiewicz (image below) for this beautiful shot in Montreal. We loved the ambiance, the color, the movement of the Ferris wheel, and the reflection in the water!
And, finally, our three honorable mentions go to Cristyn Merry (Crystal, Colorado), Kevin Scott (Lake Michigan), and Patrick Seiler (inside the lighthouse in Glasgow) (below)! Well done!
As always, a big thank you to everyone who participated! Make sure to swing by the Insider or the Community tomorrow as we introduce Member Challenge 23!