Made by combining several distinct photographs together into one cohesive image, we know composites are not the easiest to create. You all really brought your skills this round though and gave us some impressive and seamless images.
First place went to Gary Sindell (full image below). We were mesmerized by this Icelandic wonderland and this image made us all add seeing the northern lights to our bucket list! Congratulations!
Our runner-up image (below) was by Mark Fann for this seamless composite of the Lamborghini Huracan GT3. If you hadn’t told us this was a composite, we never would have guessed!
And, last but not least, our honorable mention goes to Dave DeBaeremaeker for his fun Lego composite (below).
As always, a big thank you to everyone who participated! Make sure to swing by the Insider or the Community tomorrow as we introduce Member Challenge 22!