Did you know that we just released a brand-new version of the KelbyOne app for viewing and downloading courses on your iOS and Android mobile devices? Well, it’s true. Click on the links below to find the app in your favorite app store. Since this app is brand-new for Android, you’ll need to install the app. It’s actually an upgraded version on iOS, so if you have the previous version of the app already installed on your device, you’ll just need to update the app.



If you’re updating the app on iOS, you’ll need to log in again and re-download any offline courses that you may have previously downloaded. And that’s a good segue into the best new feature of this app: You’re no longer limited to downloading two courses—you can download as many courses as your device will hold. Just click the download button at the bottom right of a course card to download the course. Once downloaded, the button will change to a checkmark.

You can access your offline courses in the pop-out navigation bar on the left.

To delete a downloaded course, tap-and-drag to the left to reveal the Delete button.

So download the new app today, and let us know what you think in the KelbyOne Community.