Control Ring Tip with Erik Kuna | Photo Tip Friday
Welcome back to another Photo Tip Friday everyone. Did you know about this customizable feature on the Canon EOS R6? It only takes less than a minute to learn—check it out!
Watch this 60-second clip to hear Erik’s advice!
Hands-On with the Canon EOS R6 Everything You Need to Know to Get Great Shots with Erik Kuna
Want to even more details on the Canon EOS R6? Take it to the next level in Erik’s new class! Watch it now!
For more quick tips like the one just watched, visit our Photo Tip Friday playlist on Youtube.

I have the EOS R and white balance does not show as an option. Does the R5 and R6 have more option for the control ring than the R has?
Here’s a reply from Erik: ‘The R might be limited to just Exposure Compensation, F-stop, ISO, and Shutter Speed for the control ring… however, you might want to check and make sure there’s not a firmware update that adds more features. One thing on the EOS-R that I do know you can control the White Balance is programming the Multi-Function Touch Bar to your white balance and then just swipe for different white balances.’. We hope that his response can point you in the right direction!