The Sky Replacement tool is an incredibly accurate, fast, and useful tool to change the sky instantly in a photo. Choose Edit>Sky Replacement and this AI tool automatically detects and selects the sky. Choose a sky from the included library, or upload your own, and it will be dropped into the photo like magic. The only problem is that sometimes the edges have halos, or white fringes, because this is how it blends the sky. The halos look good on horizons, but bad everywhere else. A lot of people don’t realize that on the top left of the Sky Replacement dialog there’s a brush, called the Sky Brush (B). Choose this brush and drag it around the edges to remove the halos. If you want to add more of the original image, hold down Option (PC: Alt) and drag on the edges. You’ll fall in love with this brush!
This tip originally published in Colin Smith’s “Photoshop Tips” column in the November, 2022 issue of Photoshop User magazine.