The Gallery at KelbyOne is proud to present a solo exhibition of Moose Peterson’s aviation photography. Moose is a very well known wildlife and aviation photographer and instructor, centering his life on educating the public about the preservation of endangered wildlife. Similarly, his aviation photography works to preserve the role aviation has played in history, and all that it represents, for future generations.
The Gallery at KelbyOne opening will be on Friday, April 20, at 7:00 pm EDT. Moose Peterson and his wife Sharon will be joining us his show and a wine and cheese reception, followed by a live, worldwide broadcast, in-depth interview with Moose in the KelbyOne Theater.
To watch, tune in using this link on April 20th at 8:00 pm ET. You’ll be able to see Moose’s work and learn about his process and inspiration. And if you were unable to attend the previous gallery shows, you can watch recordings of our previous winners in the Webcast Archives.
We look forward to showing of Moose’s aviation collection and look forward to seeing you in the audience!