Join Scott Kelby and Larry Becker in their new course – The Photographer’s Guide to Traveling Right.
Whether you’re going on a family vacation, a trip abroad, or big photo safari, learn the killer tips to improve your travel photography experience. In this course, Scott covers everything from choosing the right bag for your gear, ensuring you are within size and weight restrictions, bringing the right accessories, what to consider about tripods, strategies for backing up on the road, what to do when you get back home, and so much more. All through the course Scott and Larry share their own travel photography experiences and offer advice to always make the most of your trip.
Here’s what Scott covers in the course:
- Traveling Right
- Going Big or Going Light?
- Camera Bags: Going Big
- Camera Bags: Going Light
- Size and Weight Restrictions
- Tripods
- Travel Experience Tips
- Backup Strategies
- Once You Get Back Home
So what are you waiting for?! Start planning your trip and get ready for your best travel photography experience with The Photographer’s Guide to Traveling Right!
Scott Kelby
Scott is the President and CEO of KelbyOne, the original “Photoshop Guy”, the editor and publisher of Photoshop User Magazine, Conference Technical Chair for the Photoshop World Conference, Training Director and instructor for KelbyOne Live Seminars, and author of a string of bestselling technology and photography books.