Member Monday Featuring Jeff Shelton
Happy Monday KelbyOne community! Are you ready to meet another talented photographer in our circle?
This abstract design left our heads spinning, and Kentucky resident Jeff Shelton is the artist behind it. Now, it’s time to hand things off to Markus, to tell you all about the photograph himself!
About the Photographer
- Hometown: Butler, KY
- Years in Photography: 30 Years
- Years as a KO Member: 2 Years
About the Photo:

- Title: Convergence
- Location: Union Terminal, Cincinnati, OH
- Any additional description of the photograph: Union Terminal is a beautiful place with all kinds of shapes, lines, and color to photograph. I actually took this photo while I was standing in line to purchase tickets to get into the museum!
- Gear/Software Used: Canon 5D Mark IV with 16-35mm Canon Lens with post-processing in Lightroom
Describe your creative style in 3 words.
I have a traditional style. I like photos that pop, make you feel something, and convey a message.
Tell us about a time you struggled or failed with your photography, and how you overcame it.
I remember having a project photographing a First Communion back in the old film days (which were great days!). I was taking group photographs and on one class I had set my camera down then came back to it. I must have hit the shutter dial when I picked it up and didn’t realize it until I had the film processed. I completely underexposed the photo to the point it was useless. Upon explaining my mistake to the client and offering each student’s family a free family portrait session, everything worked out ok. We still shoot for this client and have been for over 29 years! I learned a couple of things, 1. Always double check your settings constantly and 2. Be honest with your Client and do what you can to make it right, no matter what it cost you. The way you handle the problem will be remembered much longer than the photograph you missed.
What sparked your love of photography?
I have always loved photography. I remember my first Kodak Camera I won in a Candy Sale drive at my Elementary School. I have been taking photographs ever since. I like that I can get away from the hectic pace of life and lose myself with a particular subject whether it is a bride, family member, senior, landscape, city shot, or as simple as a flower. I also get a lot of joy/satisfaction when people enjoy the photos that I have created.
What’s your favorite class on KelbyOne and why?
I like Erik Kuna’s Courses on photographing the Milky Way. I want to shoot the Milky Way and I enjoy his teaching style and the way he explains his processes.
Connect with Jeff
You can connect with Jeff via his website or on Instagram. Get to browsing his great selection of work!
A huge thank you to Jeff for opening up to us and sharing the scene behind the photo!
Thank you for joining us for another Member Monday! If you haven’t yet, be sure to submit your photos for a chance to receive a Member Monday feature of your own.