We’d like to introduce you to another talented KelbyOne member—meet George Stark. Above is a glimpse at one of his many Puget Sound photographs. Click here to see the full image.
1.) Can you tell us a little bit about your photo?
I’m very fortunate to have this view of Puget Sound and the Olympic mountains from my home in Mukilteo, Washington… I’m always amazed how nature can present the same view in different light and color hour by hour. I’ve learned to keep my camera near by as some of these lighting events are fleeting. On this particular evening I notice how the sky and water appeared to be on fire and I tried to capture the moment.
2.) What gear/software did you use to create this image?
Camera… Canon 5D Mark IV
Lens… Canon 100 to 400
The “Mukilteo Sunset” RAW file was processed in Lightroom.. (Camera set to Auto Light Balance)
Lightroom Sliders Adjusted
1. Increased Contrast
2. Decreased Highlights
3. Increased Vibrance Slightly
4. Minus Clarity to soften slightly
5. Added Sharpening….. masking out sky and water
3.) What do you like to photograph?
I don’t limit myself to a specific subject… most anything our planet offers is of interest to me.
4.) How long have you been a KelbyOne member and what made you decide to become a member?
I cannot remember the year I joined… It was a long time ago before KelbyOne! Before internet access to magazines and courses! At the time it was known as NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals ). I was trying to learn all I could about Photoshop and the membership included the ‘Photoshop User” magazine which I credit for helping me build my Photoshop foundation. Today with KelbyOne I continue to learn.
See more of George’s work by visiting his Adobe Spark page or checking out his website.