Make the most out of your trip to Photoshop World West in Las Vegas, Nevada! If you’re a first-timer or a PSW pro, here’s what you need to know:
Create Your Own Path
While it is not at all necessary for you to commit to a track, it can be nice to go in with an idea of where you want to grow. Because we offer more than 100 classes and live shoots at Photoshop World, we break them down into categories called tracks. These tracks are color coded so that when you’re looking at the schedule, you immediately know which category a class falls into.
- Photography
- Photoshop
- Lightroom
- Design
- Landscape/Travel
- Business/Inspiration
- Portrait/Lighting
Mark Your Calendar for These Events
If you’re only attending the classes—you’re missing half the action at Photoshop World. Don’t miss the events we’re all looking forward to!
- Pre-Con Workshops: August 20th, all-day
- Keynote: August 21st, 10:00 am
- Dinner with a Stranger: August 21st, 7:00 pm
- After Hours Party: August 21st, 7:00 pm
- Midnight Madness: August 22nd, 10:00 pm-12:00 am
- Guru Awards and Wrap-Up Ceremony: August 23rd, 2:30 pm
We’re so jazzed, excited, stoked, pumped, and excited to see you all at Photoshop World West!
If you don’t have your ticket yet, take the leap. (You won’t regret it!)