The Secrets to Properly Convert Your Images to B&W with Viktor Fejes
Are you ready to take those vibrant color photos and learn to properly convert them to stunning, jaw-dropping black and whites?
In this class, Viktor steps you through his B&W workflow and demonstrates techniques for using adjustment layers, creating a LUT for re-use, dodging and burning, manipulating tonal values locally, bringing out detail, adding grain, and so much more!
Course Outline:
- Introduction
- What Makes a Color Image?
- Exploring B&W Conversion in Camera Raw
- Exploring Conversion to B&W in Photoshop
- Adjusting Tonal Contrast
- Introducing a Hint of Color
- Creating a LUT
- Manipulate Local Tonal Values
- Dodging and Burning
- Enhance Details
- Adding GrainRecap of Steps
Start watching ‘The Secrets to Properly Convert Your Images to B&W’ now!
Viktor Fejes

Viktor Fejes is a top, high-end photo retoucher with an international clientele, including major magazines and celebrities. He has been using Photoshop since he was eight-years-old. He is the Head Retoucher and Founder at GILD Studios, a renowned boutique retouching studio known for going the extra mile.