Member Challenge 7 | Independence Day was full of all sorts of spirit!
We’d like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to submit your photos—we thoroughly enjoyed seeing Independence Day through your eyes because depending on how you were raised and where you’re from, you celebrate it differently. In America, the holiday is celebrated on the 4th of July, but in Canada, it’s celebrated on July 1st. All around, we saw lots of fireworks! Literally!
But now it’s time to name the winner…
Coming in first place was Jonathon Rose with his image of the Mackinac Bridge featuring a fireworks display in the background. (Image as seen above.)
Following close behind was Alexandra Giamanco’s photo taken at Disney. (Image seen below.)
And last, but not least are our honorable mentions. Thanks again for your entries everyone! We look forward to seeing more work from you all in future Member Challenges.
Thank you so much!