Tag: Tutorial

Creating a Grid Portrait Effect 
by Lesa Snider

Photoshop’s ability to clip one layer to another lets you push the top layer’s content through the shape of the layer or layer group underneath it. That could be a shape drawn with one of the built-in shape tools, a shape made with the Lasso or Pen tool, a brushstroke, or even text. In this column, you’ll learn how to push a portrait through a grid of squares. 

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Making Doodles on your Photos in Photoshop
by Lesa Snider

Doodling on a photo is a great way to add whimsy and visual interest, and you don’t have to be an artist to give it a whirl. Today you’ll learn how to outline your subject’s clothes, how to isolate your subject so you can put doodles behind her, as well as how to doodle using Photoshop’s Custom Shape tool. Read on!

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Creating a Halftone Pattern in Photoshop for that Pop-Art Feel
by Lesa Snider

If you look closely at a professionally printed newspaper or magazine, you’ll notice the images are made from millions of tiny dots (typically circles, but sometimes diamonds or squares). To prevent overlap, the dots are printed at specific angles according to ink color, creating a pattern called “halftone” (versus the “continuous tone” of an inkjet print). In this issue you’ll learn two ways to create a halftone pattern for a pop-art feel.

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