Start Making Money with Your Photography with Erik Kuna and Serge Ramelli
Ready for your weekly dose of photography talk? Perfect, because it’s Wednesday and that means we’ve got another episode of The Grid!
This week on The Grid, Serge Ramelli is our special guest. And we’re talking about cold hard CA$H. They’ll reveal their best advice for building a client base, taking sponsorships, or selling your photos for stock or commercial use. These are just a few ideas you can use to your bank account with photography!
Whether you’re new to the industry, or a seasoned expert just looking for a new revenue source—this is the episode to watch!
Tune into today’s episode live at 4pm ET to join the conversation! You can watch via Twitter, YouTube, or Scott’s Facebook. Plus you can always watch on!
Didn’t catch last week’s episode? Last time on The Grid, Dave Williams joined Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna to blind critique your travel photography. Just in case you missed it, we archived the episode—watch it now!