Want to create some extra income without having to purchase a ton of gear? Try corporate headshots or business portraits! In this new class from Kristina Sherk, she shows you how to create professional headshots using a simple lighting setup and minimal retouching. You’ll learn how to save time in post production, how to guide your clients during the shoot, and how to fix problematic situations in post like reflections on glasses or wrinkles on clothing.
Here’s what Kristina will cover in the class:
1. Lighting Setup
2. Camera Ready Kit
3. Shooting Tethered
4. Coaching Your Client
5. Client Photo Review
6. Removing Reflections in Eye Glasses
7. Reducing Red Shine on Skin
8. Reducing Wrinkles in Clothing
9. Reducing Double Chin
10. Making Actions Work For You
11. Using Photoshop Plug-ins
Start watching Pro Quality Headshots Using A Simple Setup now!
Kristina Sherk
Kristina Sherk is high-end photo retoucher specializing in realistic retouching. She’s a contributing educational author for publications like Shutter Magazine, Photoshop User Magazine, and Lightroom Magazine. She is also the author behind Photoshop Cafe’s Fashion Retouching DVD. Her more reputable corporate clients include National Public Radio, Time Inc., XM Satellite Radio, Cotton Inc., and most recently, Hasselblad.