Member Monday Featuring Pam McDonald
Meet another talented KelbyOne Member—Pam McDonald. See how she created this gorgeous photo of a seed pod. There’s so much beauty to be found in this not-so-frequently photographed subject!
Here she is to share her story!
About the Photographer:
- Hometown: Arlington, VA, but I now live in Lakeland, FL
- Years in Photography: 25+ on and off
- Years as a KO Member: 7 years
About the Photo:
- Title: Dragon Shaped Seed Pod
- Location: Lakeland, FL
- Any additional description of the photograph: I bought some Dark Purple (dark blue) Agapantha plants. I let them go to seed so I would have more. I saw this seed pod and to me it looked like a dragon showing its teeth. So I sat on the ground to get at eye level.
- Gear/Software Used: Canon 7D/Tamaron 60mm Macro lense. Software: LR Taken 6/20/2021; f/4.5; 1/200 sec; ISO 800; focal length 60 mm
Describe your creative style in 3 words.
visualizing with imagination
Tell us about a time you struggled or failed with your photography, and how you overcame it?
Switching from film cameras to digital. I kept practicing to learn the equipment, taking equipment and software classes/conferences, and shared my photos with the intention of getting feedback that help me to continue to push myself to a new level.
What sparked your love of photography?
My Dad, who worked in Photo Intelligence during WWII, and continued afterward. He taught me how to use his Twin-lense Reflex and what to look for when taking photos.
What’s your favorite class on KelbyOne and why?
I can’t say just one course. You offer so many different types, such as compositions, wildlife, macro, and software. So I take courses from different areas, which is helping me improve my compositions and technical skills.
Thank you for joining us for another Member Monday! If you haven’t yet, be sure to submit your photos for a chance to receive a Member Monday feature of your own.