It’s Member Monday—meet Greg Noel, a Newfoundland based photographer and his pup, Guinness. Greg’s been interested in photography since he was a child and received his first camera. Ever since then, Greg’s been hooked!
Can you tell us a little bit about this photograph?
I took this image to test my new strobe (Strobepro X600II, aka Godox AD600 or Flashpoint XPLOR). It had arrived a few days before and I wanted to see how it held up in the cold (about -15C or 5F) and practice using it. So I took my dog to a nearby lake, set the gear up and then tried to get him to sit in position. I was hoping for a sunset pic but not knowing the gear well enough, it took a little longer to get it set up and the sun had dipped just below the horizon before I was ready. But I still took a few shots. My dog is obsessed with chasing snow so I placed a snowball on top of the camera to get him to look directly at it. Even though it wasn’t what I had planned, I love the way the final image came out. And the gear performed exceptionally well in the cold. A couple of weeks later I did get the shot I had planned, sunset and all. (Seen Below)
What gear/software did you use to create this image?
It was shot with a Nikon D750, and a Tamron 15-30 2.8 lens. As well as the strobe mentioned above and a 36inch softbox. It was processed mostly in Lightroom and then some finishing touches using Photoshop CC.
How long have you been a KelbyOne member and what made you decide to become a member?
I have been a Kelby One member since January. I signed up because I had digested most of the free content and I wanted to see what else there was. Plus you had just released Kaylee Greer‘s most recent class and I wanted to watch that. I have been watching class after class ever since.
Want to see more work by Greg? Visit his website! If you want to see more of his dog photography, check out these Facebook & Instagram pages. But, if you want to see his landscape work, you can check out these Facebook & Instagram pages. Enjoy!
Well done!