Did you know about the Downloads, Transcripts, and Ask an Expert options on each course page? No? Well, let’s take a closer look at these valuable options to see how they can improve your KelbyOne experience.
We’ll start with Downloads. Click on the Downloads link to see if there are practice files available for that particular course. If there are, you’ll see a link for Course Assets. Click that link and the files will automatically download to your hard drive.
Next in the list is Transcripts. When you click this link, you’ll see all the text from the current Lesson that you’re viewing. If the video is playing, you’ll see a yellow highlight move across the sentences in the transcript. This indicates where you are in the Lesson.
You’ll also notice a search field just above the text. Start typing your search terms, and every sentence that has that term will be highlighted in blue. In the example below, I typed the word “save.” You can see that this word appears in quite a few of the sentences in this lesson.
Then I typed “PDF” after the word “save” and this narrowed down the results.
Now here’s the really cool part: that blue highlight is a live link. If you click it, it jumps to that part of the video. Nice!
Finally, we have Ask an Expert. This is basically the same as our Help Desk, which I covered a couple of weeks ago in “Did You Know.” If you have a question on a Lesson, instead of searching for the Help Desk link, you can ask your question right there on the course page. Just be sure to include your operating system, version of Photoshop or Lightroom that your using, etc. The more information you provide the quicker our experts can answer your question.
Don’t forget that we also have the Discuss this Course button that takes you directly to the topic for this course at the KelbyOne Community forums. Chances are, someone has had the exact same question, and one of our amazing members or instructors has already answered it.